When we focus on doing what we enjoy, the rest of our life will sort itself out.

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I love this! So much of what we want in life is a byproduct. When we strive for something, it seems we often get blinded blinded by the pursuit and miss the essential items that make up that which we desire. This is a wonderful essay that I very much resonate with! Thanks Mo!

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Thanks Wayne!

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Great quote. I have a photo of Feynman hanging on my wall here in the studio. I should reread some of his work. Congrats on your new obsession with Padel!

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Yes absolutely! On Padel, now I wish I was 35 again. :):)

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This totally resonates with me and something I've been pondering (and subsequently writing about) lately. Thanks for your words!

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Thank you, Niquelle. Send me the post when done.

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Mo, your journey shows that loving what we do leads to growth and fulfillment.

Feynman's advice rings true – focusing on enjoyable activities shapes who we become. After reading your article I have been informed of Padel.

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Although we're almost 25 years apart in age, I relate so much with this essay! Our morning routine is pretty much the same, besides my movement happens first and it's almost always yoga. I love it so much! Didn't know Padel existed and would love to try it sometime!! I used to play tennis 🎾 but always found the racket tooo heavy! This was 8 years ago! I am inspired to give it another try and see if I love it!

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Hi Monica, thanks for your nice words. Yes, definitely try Padel, as it is also very social. Before you know it, your padel partners become your best friends.

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Excellent piece Mo! You are inspiring ✨

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Thank you, Deborah!

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This seems to be so much of the truth we eventually come to in these middle years. Other than what is necessary, I feel a grave reluctance to endeavor in anything that feels poorly suited to what comes natural. (I'm thinking mostly about work, but also casual pursuits.)

There are plenty of aversions worth surrendering to, lest I become someone who can't tolerate any discomfort, but even within the spectrum of aversions I would choose to confront, there is a kind of symbiosis with this body's root programming to endure.

Heck. Did that make any sense?

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Totally hear you! Your reflection makes perfect sense! Midlife can be a time for refining your energy. Focusing on what feels right is a great way to live with purpose. Thank you for sharing your thoughts!

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Thank you for this beautiful reminder Mo 😊

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Thank you for taking the time to read, Bansi!

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So true

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