Mo, I appreciate how you've expressed the pull of "success" that tempts you out of now. If I'm honest, I have doubts about the ice bath. It seems like another way to manipulate our experience instead of being here now to what is. I don't want to sound judgmental. I just wonder about it.

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I don’t doubt that! And you’re probably right! Thanks Sandra

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Thanks for your open-mindedness, Mo.

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Oh what a cold bath. It isn't easy ambushing your body with mars-like cold. But one is helpful; it brings to your presence more and makes you resilient. Aside, capitalism always make us postpone our present joy to prepare for presumed bigger joy we don't know. While capitalism has brought us incredible innovations, unchecked capitalism can be infected by greed, which has been evident

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Yes capitalism unchecked is dangerous!

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Mo, this line really spoke to me "I'm in the midst of something that I love to do, yet something inside me is telling me to hurry.." I absolutely can relate to this. That inner sense of urgency can really strip the peace and enjoyment we get from activities that give us purpose and joy. Something I'm trying to work on internalising is that joy and meaning do not have a deadline!

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Yes. 100%. Thanks for reading.

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Jun 13Liked by Mo Issa

You express a sentiment we all struggle with . It’s nice how you express it so eloquently, makes these very vague ideas, a little more real 🌻

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Thanks, Julie.

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This resonates a lot with me. I fear slow. I fear wasted time. I fear unfulfilled potential. It’s such a hard balance. Every year I say I’ll be more present, and I start out trying to be patient, but I always regress. And then I get upset that I’m not meeting a goal 😅

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Sounds like me talking! :):)

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The cold slows it all down. Wonderful presence. The neuroscience of resiliency is a door waiting to be opened by us all. The dance between ego and soul makes it harder to find. We attract fulfillment by that path of mystery just the other side of such said door. Bless you Mo. As Rumi sang…once we set out, the way will appear. Fantastic article! Slow down, you are late 😉🙏❤️

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Thanks, Jamie. Love your insightful comments.

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And I love that you are inviting us into your own unfolding. Thank you for being a leader, and everything you share leads to our own reflection. That’s all writing can ever do. You do it so well. Thank you 🙏❤️

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