
And yet we still find ways to not listen to them! Thanks Kevin.

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What is love? In the English language it’s really difficult to define. Is it one thing? There are many different ways to express it on my Greek side. Let’s just say it was cause for a confusing upbringing. Slowly I have leaned into love as a vibration. That very source energy of spirit that connects us all. In that sense I never have to search for love. It’s always with me. I am love. Gibran speaks the language of the heart which invites that deeper love inside to sing loud enough, so that I can find it. Bless your beautiful writing. 🙏❤️

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I woke up this morning haunted by a line from Gibran on work. Thanks for this beautiful reminder. I've always believe artists and poets have an "unfair" advantage when it comes to speaking truth.

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Along with the meaning of life, love is the most perplexing emotion and will keep us reflecting throughout life.

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