Lovely. I have come to a point in my life that I will abandon a book if I am not connecting with it; there are enough books in the world to experience that can't-put-it-down pleasure I seek in my reading each time. It's not a judgment on the writing as much as it is acknowledgment that I am not the right audience at that time in my life. Maybe I'm a tad impatient, but my energy is limited and I think life is too short not to love what you're reading.

As for jacaranda trees, we have them here on the central coast of California, and they are a sight to behold. Their bloom is short-lived and extraordinary. Almost overnight, bursts of purple line the streets, the ground beneath the trees dusted in periwinkle. I did not know, however, how hard they are to grow and how long they take to mature. You make a wonderful analogy between the patience and dedication they require and a certain approach to life.

I always enjoy your posts, Mo. Thank you!

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Thank you for the article. To stay the course of longevity with the commensurate endurance & grit required seems only possible when you are doing things for their own sake; a heart connection with one's world of work. Lucky are those who find it. Once thoughts of 'means-to-an-end' enter the equation, all is lost.

Some of the towns here in Portugal have Jacaranda trees; they are indeed something special - more so in the short time of flowering.

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Mar 28Liked by Mo Issa

Wisdom that is worth sharing.

Growth needs Time . Any real-life goal we want to pursue needs long-term thinking and that is how it suppose to be. Only guarantee that tomorrow is going to be better is,if we investing in our future today. Thanks MO, appreciated.

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