Agree. There’s no way to hack growth. The only way we get to it is to go through it. Only looking back we can see how far we’ve come. Thank you so much for sharing. I enjoy your writing and meeting you in the spaces between the words. My own goals are to get another poetry book out this year and keep showing up here every week with some creative writing that comes from soul. Giving into the fact that I’m writing only for myself and whatever happens from there happens. Bless you Mo! 🙏❤️

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Thank you for this piece! I appreciate your perspective. I’ve come to similar conclusions. Attempting to fast track success strips out of life the essential element of experience. Without a broader spectrum of experiences I don’t think it’s possible to truly gain perspective and wisdom that are a requisite for authentic growth. Your seven principles are a helpful foundational basis, worth exploring. Thank you!

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“How can we fast-track personal development?” Funny how this question keeps coming up, isn't it? As if humans can't wait to get life over and done with...

Having started young, I think of it as a way of life.

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Mar 23Liked by Mo Issa

Love the idea to start with the little steps instead of whelming yourself with a huge idea . I also loved the idea to separate yourself from the results, take away the fear of failing . Thanks Mo 🦋

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Mar 21Liked by Mo Issa

Thanks Mo,great peace.

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Mar 21Liked by Mo Issa

Wisdom that is worth sharing.

You're the average of five people you spend your time with. It is very important to be in environment that support your self development in pursuiting your goal.

Hardship,pain,failure are all part of the journey for you to become the best version of yourself, if use them wisely,

It would be stepping stone to your success.

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Personal development, I've discovered, is more about letting go than grasping for a new identity as though it were a new possession. I've been there, hungrily reading all "the books", going to retreats, etc etc etc. And while that is all good if it comes from a sense of lack and yearning to achieve more we will never be satisfied. Wisdom comes from life experience. No mud No lotus - Thích Nhất Hạnh

Your question "How can we fast track personal development?" reminds of this Zen story:

A new student comes to the monastery and says to the Abbot, “I want to join. How long is it going to take me to be enlightened?”

And the Abbot says: “Ten years.”

And so the student goes, “Well, what if I work twice as hard?”

And the abbot says: “Twenty years.”

“Well, wait a minute! You just said ten years!” the student exclaimed.

“For you, 30 years.”


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